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All content published on the websites of Genesis Motor Europe GmbH is protected by copyright. Genesis Motor Europe GmbH permits the viewing and downloading of the content on its websites exclusively for private, non-commercial use. The content may not be duplicated, presented, distributed or otherwise exploited for public or commercial purposes. The content may not be modified or used on any other websites or computer networks without the written consent of Genesis Motor Europe GmbH.
2. Trademark rights
All trademarks used on the websites of Genesis Motor Europe GmbH are the property of Hyundai Motor Company Limited. The use of all trademarks, logos and other brand assets by third parties is prohibited.
3. Licence rights
Genesis Motor Europe GmbH aims to provide an innovative and informative website that meets your expectations. We would also like to advise you that the intellectual property on our website, including trademarks and copyrights, is protected by law. This website does not constitute a licence to use the intellectual property of Hyundai Genesis Group companies. It may not be duplicated, presented, distributed or otherwise exploited without the written consent of Genesis Motor Europe GmbH.
4. Vehicle information
This website contains information on Genesis vehicles. The content is provided for information purposes only. The information on this website is non-binding and does not constitute an offer for sale.
5. Liability
The information provided by Genesis Motor Europe GmbH on this website is compiled with the greatest possible care and is continually updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that all information is correct. For the reason, Genesis Motor Europe GmbH excludes any liability or guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information provided on this website. In particular, this applies to external websites that are linked to from this website and that we have no control over. Genesis Motor Europe GmbH expressly excludes all liability for the content of these external websites. Similarly, Genesis Motor Europe GmbH is not responsible for the data protection practices of the operators of these external websites.
Genesis Motor Europe GmbH reserves the right to amend the information on this website at any time without notice. Any statements on our website regarding future developments are based on the beliefs and assessments of the management of the Hyundai and Genesis Group and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties. Genesis Motor Europe GmbH is not obliged to update any statements regarding future developments. Liability for such statements is expressly excluded.