GV80 - Brochure

It’s bold, confident, and dynamic and a joy to handle.
Discover how the GV80, our flagship SUV, redefines luxury.

Genesis GV80 - energy consumption combined 8.8 - 11.1 l/100 km; CO2-emissions combined: 231 - 248 g/km; CO2-class: G; (according to WLTP)*

* For more information on official fuel/power consumption and CO2 emission data for new cars, please refer to the "Guide on the Fuel Economy", CO2 Emissions and Power Consumption of All New Passenger Car Models Offered for Sale on the German Market” published free of charge by DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Straße 1, D-73760 Ostfildern, Germany, www.dat.de.
The consumption and emission values shown on the Genesis website are based on the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP). Further information on the WLTP measurement procedures can be found at https://www.genesis.com/de/en/wltp.html.

The displayed colours Cardiff Green and Brunswick Green are not available in Europe.

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